Level 1 sculpture ring making workshop gift package
Once bought, you or giftee get in touch and we can book you onto one of the many classes throughout 2024!!
The class is for complete beginners.
It's a level 1 sculpture ring class..
So something a bit different. You can choose from 2 designs and
There are 2 widths to choose from. A slim version of the design of a chunky version. Depending on what you prefer !
and all rings are made with a solid 1.85mm of sterling silver.
Once you choose your design I show you all an over view of the stages then go through step by step.
The classes are for a maximum of 6 folk so i have plenty time with everyone.
You will be sizing, sawing, forming, soldering (with a jewellers blow torch), filing and polishing.
The price is £120 and that includes all materials, a slab of Sterling Silver and super delicious refreshments and the lesson!